Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Wordless Wednesday



  1. I am becoming more and more fond of lupins. I have a white one which has been great for several years now. I saw a lovely display of them at Malvern show in vibrant colours and I am thinking I should get some more - just not sure if I have room!!

  2. I love them, I have a bed of them in front of the greenhouse and the odd one in other places. I love the way they give early colour before everything else really gets started. The foliage is great as well especially when it traps rain drops after a shower.

  3. I planted several from seed, they are still very small. I can't wait for them to get bigger

  4. They are so pretty, and one of my favorites.

  5. Love the Lupins, they are not at all fussy, I like that and when you look closely it is so beautiful.

    Greetings from a cold and rainy Stockholm


  6. I love lupins! I just planted a couple this spring, as they don't live too many years here, and don't reseed much. Yours is lovely!

  7. Whoa! The bottom part looks like melons cut in slices and arranged radially! Wonderful shot!


Thank you for your comments.