At least the garden is coming to life properly now. One of my favourite plants is now in full bloom, this perennial cornflower. I just love the colour and the delicate petals.

The Greenhouse is providing almost more salad than we can eat, the first batch is now starting to run to seed but I have a second crop following on close behind.

This year I have decided to grow my tomatoes in pots, I am also growing different varieties, Gardeners delight, Shirley, Beefsteak and good old Alicante. You will notice the sprinkler on the floor, I have invested on an Auto watering timer this year, partly to save me carrying cans down the garden but also because if I use the hose I have to play with Boris and you don't always want a soaking wet dog.

The Shallots I planted in the herb garden are coming on really well

As is the garlic in the main veg patch.

One of the thing I have been doing over the last few weeks has been rediscovering watercolour painting. I should say from the start I am not very good and I will probably not be inflicting any on you just yet. I have however been going for lessons at the local evening class centre. One of the good things that has come of this is that I am seeing things differently, especially skies. I thought it was just me being a bit pretentious but when I was leaving my class last night two of the other students said the same to me. I am almost ashamed to admit this as a keen photographer but I think I just took them for granted but now as I am trying to reproduce them I realise what a fantastic palette of colour is present, of course I do have the advantage of living in East Anglia which is famed for it's huge skies. I am hoping that this will improve my photography as well my painting.
Good morning,
ReplyDeleteThank you the garden update. It's good to see so much progress with vegetables. If I had a spot where the doggies didn't roam, I would have more veggies.
Regarding your photographer's eye, as a photographer's daughter and after a lifetime of film and digital imaging, I, too, learn something new every time I read a new article or listen to another photographer.
I look forward to seeing your paintings.