Monday, 21 September 2009

Kamikaze Dog visits Norfolk

As you can see from the photo autumn is upon us and the leaves are turning. I have prepared a bed to put my garlic in and will be going out today to get some materials for a landscaping project we have planned.

Anyway the story of the kamikaze dog. We spent the weekend up on the North Norfolk coast staying in a lovely hotel, The Lifeboat in Thornham, which not only serves wonderful food but also allows dogs to stay. On saturday we decided to do the cliff top walk from Weybourne to Sherringham a distance of about 3 miles. After about 400yards we watched in horror as the rear end of Boris vanished over the edge of the cliff. Scared stiff as to what we would find when we looked over the edge, we saw daft dog 6o feet below us down a near vertical cliff standing on the beach looking up at us tail wagging. There was of course no way I could get down there and equally no way he could get back up. So i had to walk all the way back to the start of the walk and along the beach to get him. The damage, a tiny cut over his eye, we assume he must have rolled onto the beach or hit something on the way down? Needless to say he stayed on the lead for the rest of the day!

I am sorry there are no photographs of the stunning Norfolk coastline with this update but I have been using my analogue camera (film, remember that?) for the last few weeks. Partly because I love using it, it's a Leica M6 probably one of the finest cameras ever made and also because I makes you think about what you are taking. I felt I needed to get back to basics for a bit.

Whilst we were in Norfolk I visited several galleries to look at local landscape photographers work, the quality of some of it is outstanding (see ) I am already planning some winter photographic trips up ther.


  1. Hurray for Boris!

    A 'proper' camera brings you into a completely different relationship with things, doesn't it?


  2. It does indeed Lucy, especially at about 30p a shot! Being a fully manual camera it makes you think about apertures, shutter speeds and things that my Nikon SLR does for me. I might have to dig out my 5x4 plate camera sometime, now there is a thought.


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