Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Exciting news

This morning I took some artwork to a local gallery and framers to be mounted and framed. It's a lovely little gallery called L'Bidi in Abbots Ripton and I use them for all my framing.

Anyway, I have been talking with the owner about the possibility of having an exhibition of my photos at sometime. Well I think it is going to happen next June to coincide with the Abbots Ripton flower show. It's not definite yet but I have a good feeling about it. My next problem is finding a selection of my botanical work that I feel happy enough with to exhibit, I am a terrible self critic. Then I have to decide what value to put on them? To be honest I haven't a clue what they are worth, so if anyone out there has any suggestions please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. That is exciting news. Good for you. Your photos are gorgeous!


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