Tuesday, 6 January 2009

It's -7 out there! 12th night, and winter wildlife.

when we set off to the station this morning it was -7 c out there, that's the coldest so far this winter. Our lane is a sheet of ice, in fact it didn't thaw all day yesterday but the main roads are clear. One surprise this morning was that someone late last night moved the Christmas tree that was outside our front door, nothing was taken it was just moved! I think it must have been someone who thought last night was 12th night rather than tonight which is the feast of the Epiphany and wanted to stop us having bad luck. It would also explain Boris barking at about 11.30 last night.

So what of the wildlife when it gets this cold? Well the birdfeeders are very popular with Goldfinches Carduelis carduelis which really brighten up a dull day. This morning on the way back from the station just as it was getting light I saw our local buzzard, a barn owl and a young Muntjac deer crossing our lane next to the house. As I am typing this there is a Grey Squirrel running around the branches of the Walnut tree outside my office window, many people think they hibernate but they do not. They will spend a lot of time sheltering in the winter, but on a sunny morning like today they will take the opportunity to forage for food.


  1. Hello there Gary :-)

    Just popped by to say thanks for adding my blog to your favs on Blotanical!

    Yep… it’s a cold day out there indeed. It’s funny you should post the goldfinch photo (very nice) as they are the birds that appear at my feeders on the coldest of days. Strong winds swinging the feeders, driving snow towards them and they just continue eating! Looking so tropical (to me) I do find them a strange sighting in the garden on days like that :-D

    Hope the weather gets warmer for you soon. All the best for 2009 :-D

  2. Hi Gary -5 here in Worcestershire. No Goldfinches yet - I dont seem to get them much but I have teasels ready to grow this summer so that should encourage them in.

  3. Teasels are great for goldfinches, my problem is they have self seeded across the flower beds and I feel wildlife un-friendly everytime I dig one up!

  4. Hello Gary, yes it is freeeezing cold. It is beautiful with these crisp and clear winter days but I'm so longing for the spring sun to come and warm me up.

    LOLove Tyra


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